The impact of curriculum-based suicide prevention programs for teenagers. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 18(1): 100-114. Programme d'intervention des troubles de conduites alimentaires 2705, boulevard Laurier Québec (Québec) G1V 4G2 418 654-2121 418 654-2132 Maison PITCA 1096, route de l’Église Québec (Québec) G1V 3V9 418 650-0092. Youth Suicide in Australia: the National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy. Etzersdorfer E, Sonneck G. 1998. As a means of organizing and administering the various components of the prevention strategy, Maryland created the “Governor’s Inter-Agency Workgroup on Suicide Prevention.” The Workgroup builds on existing agencies already targeting suicide risk factors such as substance abuse, child abuse, and mental disorders, and includes the involvement. Both CAST and C-CARE involved school support personnel, resources, and policies related to student suicidal behaviors. The inference of a causal relationship between the change in legislation and the decline in suicide is bolstered by the greater effect on firearms vs. non-firearms suicide and the geographic specificity of this effect. Phillips DP. In the APCC database the rate of overdose was adjusted for prescription volume based on the National Prescription Audit. Gains in personal control are more likely to be associated with lasting changes and sustained reductions in risk factors over time; longitudinal follow-up is necessary to answer this critical question. Universal programming assumes a healthy population and is not necessarily designed to impact acute risk factors directly, but rather targets contextual variables, protective processes, and predisposing factors, including reducing barriers to care. WHO (World Health Organization). Some have considered the benefit of labels warning of hepatotoxicity, but it is unclear if warnings would alter the behavior of impulsive adolescents (Harris and Myers, 1997). Third, users of these services report high satisfaction with them and often use the services again. Psychological Reports, 66(1): 286. Aspects of both the media presentation and the individual interact to produce imitation. Reviews (Cowen, 1994; NRC, 2002) and at least one meta-analysis (Durlak, 2000) demonstrate that school-based programs employing such a health promotion approach can effectively prevent and/or reduce suicide risk factors and correlates like adolescent pregnancy, externalizing disorders (such as delinquency and substance abuse), and depression. They also stress that a strong anchoring of the prevention strategy with city administrators and politicians and within professional organizations ensures its continuation. Stockholm, Sweden: The National Council for Suicide Prevention. Only two studies have examined the impact of firearms counseling on the removal of firearms with the parents of youth at risk for suicide. 1991. USAFMS (U.S. Air Force Medical Service). The horizontal line indicates the age- and sex-adjusted average annual rate of suicide by firearm in California in 1991 and 1992 (11.3 per 100,000 persons per year). It is delivered at a dose and in a format that is not generally appropriate for changing risk factors or suicidal behaviors in the short term, but rather long-term. Howard-Pitney B, LaFromboise TD, Basil M, September B, Johnson M. 1992. The Delivery System therefore offers its services at. Psychosomatics, 22(6): 515-524. Refusal to sign a no-suicide contract does not necessarily indicate that the patient is in imminent danger of suicide, just as agreement to a contract does not mean that the risk of suicide and self-destructive behavior is lessened. Method substitution did not occur to any substantial degree, and an overall decline in the suicide rate prevailed. Philadelphia, PA: Brunner-Routledge. Loaded guns in the home. Medico-social prognosis of children with epilepsy. Because approximately 35–40 percent of youth at risk for school failure are also at risk for suicide (Thompson and Eggert, 1999), potential high school dropouts are the targeted audience. Growth curve analyses showed significant rates of decline in suicidal behaviors including suicidal ideation in both programs. In the SOAR project, competencies were sustained for up to 3 years post-training and enhanced by actual assessment of suicidal youth. and control of aggressive behavior (Kellam et al., 1998) or to a middle school drug prevention program (Botvin et al., 1995). Daphnée St-Laurent, Marie-Hélène Poulin, Évaluation de la trousse d’intervention A pour AutreEvaluation of the intervention package A pour Autre, Revue de psychoéducation, 10.7202/1039681ar, 46, … Long guns convey an increased risk to males, but not females, and handguns convey a particularly increased risk for females (Brent et al., 1993). By 1999, the rate dropped to 5.6 per 100,000. L'état de mon enfant TDAH s'améliorera-t-il avec l'âge? The horizontal line indicates the age- and sex-adjusted average annual rate of suicide by firearm in California in 1991 through 1996 (10.7 per 100,000 persons per year). Professionals also provide training, advice, and support to community and staff alike. The effects of labeling on health behavior and treatment programs among North American Indians. 2000. 1999. This chapter will describe the current public health preventive framework and then review some of the interventions for preventing suicide at each level. The rate of self-poisoning by prescription drugs in New York City is highest in Manhattan, which has the higher per-capita density of physicians of any of the boroughs of New York (Marzuk et al., 1992). Borzekowski DL, Rickert VI. Finally, many of these broad prevention programs target multiple outcomes, so overall risk for suicide may be reduced by diminishing developmental risk through multiple pathways. 1995. Issues in the evaluation of youth suicide prevention initiatives. In conclusion, suicide prevention contracts are likely overvalued and should never be used as the sole treatment for a patient with suicidal behavior. Turvill JL, Burroughs AK, Moore KP. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 22(8): 423-426. Aucun effet d'intervention n'est observé par les enfants ayant reçu le programme inhibition. Etzersdorfer E, Sonneck G, Nagel-Kuess S. 1992. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 9(3): 261-268. Screening for a family history of depression may help to avoid the iatrogenic difficulties associated with this medication. including improved analytic tools and sophisticated models for measuring change over time in prevention trials (Brown and Liao, 1999). Vision/mission/valeurs Vision Une société dans laquelle aucune forme de violence n’est tolérée. Project SOAR: A training program to increase school counselors’ knowledge and confidence regarding suicide prevention and intervention. Miller HL, Coombs DW, Leeper JD, Barton SN. The enhancement of psychological wellness: Challenges and opportunities. VanWinkle NW, May PA. 1986. Analogously, the majority of current teenagers look up health information on the Internet as their first resource (Borzekowski and Rickert, 2001a; Flowers-Coulson et al., 2000). Sweden’s program is very similar (Ramberg, 2000; The National Council for Suicide Prevention, 1996). Skopek MA, Perkins R. 1998. Beautrais A. Kapur S, Mieczkowski T, Mann JJ. The more recent increase in the suicide rate by African American males is also attributable primarily to an increase in suicide by firearms. AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention). Medical Journal of Australia, 162(11): 583-585. Comment y accéder? Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 23(2): 91-100. Workshop (SIW) and Suicide, Options, Awareness and Relief (Project SOAR). McLoone P, Crombie IK. Psychiatric Services, 47(8): 859-863. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. Abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology in Kona, Hawaii, December 10, 2001. Seattle: University of Washington. Ignoring other research paradigms, however, hampered evaluation efforts, for example, and made determining whether the prevention program accounts for the reduction in suicide rates virtually impossible. Violence Prevention: An Important Element of a Health-Promoting School. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Although the fear of lawsuits is understandable, the societal atmosphere that blames the clinician when a patient kills himself should not dictate clinical decisions. Importantly, youth participating in RY, both the 1-semester as well as the 2-semester versions, demonstrated significant gains in personal control (self-efficacy) not evidenced by the usual care/C-CARE group. Hawton K, Fagg J, Marsack P. 1980. When compared to suicide rates of the preceding 4 years, Rutz and colleagues (Rutz et al., 1989) found a significant decrease after the physician training. In contrast, over the same period, suicide rates in other branches of the United States military (Navy, Army, and Marines) have not shown the same sustained decline (Litts et al., 2000). Drew BL. La santé mentale n’est pas seulement l’évitement de la maladie mentale grave. L'unité d'enseignement « Plan d'intervention enfant et adolescent » étudie les déficiences les plus fréquemment rencontrées chez un enfant et un adolescent en situation de handicap ou de difficulté. Self-poisoning—a complication of epilepsy. 2351-2355). With shifts in focus and inclusion of educational material, the same articles that report on an unfortunate event can become part of universal preventive measures. C-CARE starts with a one-to-one, 2-hour assessment interview. Ray, age 14, had made three suicide attempts prior to completing his suicide. The Maryland and Air Force models, in particular, offer insight into how to establish effective inter-agency cooperation of services, and Finland has produced suicide prevention guidebooks for many specific settings (e.g., churches, police force). Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline. Une courte présentation des quatre cahiers principaux : le cahier d'évaluation, le cahier des activités de groupe, le cahier des parents et le cahier de … In the District of Columbia, subsequent to the enactment of this legislation, a 23 percent decline in firearms suicide and a 9 percent decline in non-firearms suicide were noted. Mishara B, Daigle M. 2001. Tél. 20-26). LaFramboise TD, Howard-Pitney B. programme d’intervention et perceptions d’adoles-cents ayant un trouble envahissant du développement The use of social stories: an elaboration of an intervention program and perceptions of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder S. Camiré1 G. Goupil1 1. In response to the mixed results of didactic suicide awareness programming in the United States and the World Health Organization’s school health promotion model (e.g., WHO, 2000a; WHO, 2002), New Zealand, Australia, and Sweden have developed mental health promotion curricula as components of their comprehensive suicide prevention strategies (Beautrais, 1998; Ramberg, 2000; Waring et al., 2000). The research on hotline and crisis center effectiveness in reducing suicide shows three over-arching findings. Killias M. 1993. International correlations between gun ownership and rates of homicide and suicide. These programs also have the advantage, because of inoculation, of having potential impact on not only those who are currently at risk, but also those whose risk status changes after the intervention takes place. Such programs increased adaptive coping skills (Klingman and Hochdorf, 1993; Overholser et al., 1989) and evidenced slight decreases in hopelessness (Ashworth et al., 1986; Orbach and Bar-Joseph, 1993; Overholser et al., 1989; Spirito et al., 1988). Telephone counseling and crisis intervention: A review. England’s prevention and health promotion efforts encompass physical and mental health, with suicide reduction a key element of their mental health program (see also Thornicroft, 1999). Summary available in: Institute of Medicine. The effect of suicide stories on various demographic groups, 1968–1985. The Maryland youth suicide prevention plan, in contrast to Finland’s program, for example, targets reduction of access to means by working to change policy regarding gun use and by educating the public on the relationship between handguns and suicide. Finally, England represents a different approach by couching mental health issues within a truly comprehensive health strategy (Great Britain Department of Health, 1999). Plusieurs services sont disponibles pour faciliter le travail des chercheurs du Centre de recherche et leurs partenaires. Elle situe l'enfant et l'adolescent et sa famille dans une approche systémique. The coal gas story. Randell BP, Eggert LL, Pike KC. Finland did not implement its prevention program in a traditional fact-oriented, didactic fashion, but rather in a collaborative manner of guiding and supporting practitioners and service providers through joint reflections on prevention methods based on their expertise and existing activities. Changes were assessed at four time points, including a 9-month follow-up (Thompson et al., 2001). Suicide Ideation Questionnaire: A Professional Manual. A traditional universal public health approach to behavior-related problems has been widespread education through mass-media campaigns. Baltimore, MD: Presented at the 13th Annual Maryland Youth Suicide Prevention Conference, October 11, 2001. WHO (World Health Organization). Litts DA, Moe K, Roadman CH, Janke R, Miller J. 1979. Its use in 30 cases resulted in only one completed suicide. Presentation at Youth Suicide Prevention: European Conference, September 19-20, 2000 in Nantes, France. Ludwig J, Cook PJ. Thompson EA, Eggert LL, Randell BP, Pike KC. 2000. Association between epilepsy and attempted suicide. Durlak JA. The guidelines also address issues of language such as the use of terms like “a successful suicide,” and speak to special situations that may arise such as a celebrity death by suicide.

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