The unforeseen coincidence between a general confinement and the period of Lent is still quite welcome for those who have been asked, out of solidarity, to do nothing and to remain at a distance from the battle front. / Joshua Clover — Biopolitics: A Response to Latour. Nach einem Studium der Philosophie und Ethnologie in Tours wurde er 1975 promoviert. The level of ontological insecurity has risen sharply, further exacerbated by environmental threats, the climate crisis, and now a global pandemic. This is true of microbes – as we have known since Pasteur – but also of the internet, the law, the organization of hospitals, the logistics of the state, as well as the climate. N. V.: The confinement was imposed on us, so there was no intentional withdrawal from the world. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in der Wissenschafts- und Techniksoziologie. But there is another reason why the figure of the “war against the virus” is so unjustified: in the health crisis, it may be true that humans as a whole are “fighting” against viruses – even if they have no interest in us and go their way from throat to throat killing us without meaning to. In what way can extended confinement become toxic? Yes, yes, yes. There is a huge gulf between the state that is able to say “I protect you from life and death,” that is to say from infection by a virus whose trace is known only to scientists and whose effects can only be understood by collecting statistics, and the state that would dare to say “I protect you from life and death, because I maintain the conditions of habitability of all the living people on whom you depend.”. . After all, health crises are not new, and rapid and radical state intervention does not seem to be very innovative so far. The unforeseen coincidence between a general confinement and the period of Lent is still quite welcome for those who have been asked, out of solidarity, to do nothing and to remain at a distance from the battle front. N. V.: To some degree, yes, one could say that the Internet facilitates and perpetuates withdrawal. After a withdrawal phase of several months, it becomes very difficult to return to having a schedule and goals. By cutting themselves off, the hikikomori pull out of social relations that they feel are too complex, too demanding. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? . Bruno Latour is an emeritus professor associated with Sciences Po médialab. To get back more specifically to confinement, the situation undeniably has a protective effect, even though it gives rise to other problems, amply demonstrated in research, like eating and sleep disorders. Bruno Latour ist gelernter Philosoph, Literaturwissenschaftler und Anthropologe. Wenn Bruno Latour nun den Singular durch den Plural ersetzt, betont er damit, d… sofort lieferbar Buch EUR 16,00* Artikel merken In den Warenkorb Artikel ist im Warenkorb Bruno Latour. Bruno Latour : « La crise sanitaire incite à se préparer à la mutation climatique » Tribune. Bruno Latour Kampf um Gaia. The state of society depends at every moment on the associations between many actors, most of whom do not have human forms. People began referring to young people at the age of entering the job market as a ‘lost generation’. It is as though the intervention of the virus could serve as a dress rehearsal for the next crisis, the one in which the reorientation of living conditions is going to be posed as a challenge to all of us, as will all the details of daily existence that we will have to learn to sort out carefully. N. V.: To return to the hikikomori, an extended period of withdrawal accustoms these young people to a greatly reduced space-time context in which temporal reference points become blurred. . or. Log In. Natacha Vellut: The hikikomori are young Japanese men and women under 30, who spend periods of at least six months without leaving home. Well we all know the story of obfuscation and denial, and the way the whole issue feels rigged to ensure that the privileges of the global elite – which in this case encompasses probably all of us who might read this blog – are not deeply questioned or threatened. In the words of the late Alain Desrosières, it is the state of what is rightly called statistics: population management on a territorial grid seen from above and led by the power of experts. The confinement was imposed on us, so there was no intentional withdrawal from the world. Zur Zeit ist er Professor für Soziologie in Paris, er gehört heute zu den bekanntesten Vertretern der Wissenschaftsforschung. Bruno Latour Grâce au virus, l'écologisme va effectuer un bond en avant dans l'imaginaire des foules, plus confinées que jamais dans un individualisme que plusieurs décennies de néo-libéralisme n'ont fait qu'accentuer. What is liberating and hopeful for me might be terrifying for others. Bruno Latour (* 22. června 1947) je francouzský sociolog a filozof vědy.. Životopis. Accessibility Help. But this state is not the state of the twenty-first century and ecological change; it is the state of the nineteenth century and so-called biopower. Es wird als Fortsetzung vieler seiner vorhergehender Arbeiten zu den Menschen der Moderne gesehen (Vgl. Acht Vorträge über das neue Klimaregime. Bruno Latour. Not Now. Bruno Latour asks: Is This a Dress Rehearsal? Delchambre/Marquis 2013:564), von denen er behauptet, „nie modern gewesen“ zu sein (Vgl. Once the entire network of which it is only one link is taken into account, the same virus does not act in the same way in Taiwan, Singapore, New York, or Paris. Much better than terrorist attacks – which are, after all, only police business – pandemics awaken in leaders and those in power a kind of self-evident sense of  “protection” – “we have to protect you” “you have to protect us” – that recharges the authority of the state and allows it to demand what would otherwise be met with riots. Bruno Latour, Vorwort: Der Liebhaber der Wissenschaften, in ders. This obligatory fast, this secular and republican Ramadan can be a good opportunity for them to reflect on what is important and what is derisory. They stop going to school or work, they cut all social ties… Some live like recluses for years on end! One email, each morning, with our latest posts. The days go by, and are all the same. But here we are in fear and in hope, trying to make the best of it, and hopefully all of us, even Johnson and Trump, have learned a little humility before Gaia, who has plenty more of these kinds of arrows in her arsenal. Bruno Latour entwickelt in seinem Buch hingegen eine ethnografische Methode, die einen behutsamen Ausgleich zwischen distanzierter Beobachtung und engagierter Teilnahme zum Programm macht. Environment to energy. Eine Serie politischer Unwetter hat die Welt durcheinandergebracht. Here goes: – A natural/human catastrophe is amplified by the arrogance, incompetence and rapaciousness of self-serving elites, whose mandate for existing rests on the claim that they serve the greater good . Including the obliteration of the very many invisible workers forced to work anyway so that others can continue to hole up in their homes – not to mention the migrants who, by definition, cannot be secluded in any home of their own. Er sieht in ihr die Bedingung gegenwärtiger Geopolitik und betont ihren inneren Zusammenhang mit Ungerechtigkeit und wiedererstarkendem Nationalismus. Juni 1947 in Beaune) ist ein französischer Soziologe und Philosoph. On the other hand, unlike most of us during confinement, they rarely use social networks – or do so anonymously, and certainly not to draw attention to themselves. . And of course, in spite of the noise surrounding a “state of war” against the virus, it is only one link in a chain where the management of stocks of masks or tests, the regulation of property rights, civic habits, gestures of solidarity, count exactly as much in defining the degree of virulence of the infectious agent. If there is a silver lining to all of this, and it is a perilous silver lining, it is that so much that could not be questioned before (the “laws” of modern economics, consumer lifestyles, the crueler forms of capitalism, and the political power that derives from all of those institutions of Modernity) are entirely brought into question, whether consciously or unconsciously. Bruno Latour Bruno Latour ist ein französischer Soziologe und Philosoph.Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in der Wissenschafts- und Techniksoziologie.Latour ist einer … And with climate change? Please join in! Un cahier de doléances qui montre un besoin de s’exprimer, comme le philosophe Bruno Latour avait à plusieurs reprises recommandé de mettre en place. Narodil se v roce 1947 v Beaune, ve Francii.Vstoupil do povědomí díky svým knihám We Have Never Been Modern, Laboratory Life a Science in Action, popisující proces vědeckého výzkumu z perspektivy sociální výstavby založené na pozorováních pracujících vědců. I am advancing the hypothesis, as have many others, that the health crisis prepares, induces, incites us to prepare for climate change. After two months of lockdown, have we become like the hikikomori – the Japanese youngsters who choose to live in isolation, shunning the outside world? From medical research to space news. Comments Off on Bruno Latour — Is This a Dress Rehearsal? Im Zentrum aktueller politischer Stürme steht die Klimafrage, argumentiert der Soziologe und Wissenschaftsphilosoph Bruno Latour. Von 1982 bis 2006 hatte Latour eine Professur an der Ecole nationale supérieure des mines in Paris inne und war Gastprofessor an verschiedenen international renommierten Universitäten . Days of Confinement. And fear, especially amongst us humans, is a dangerous thing. Time becomes highly cyclical, making them lose all perception of duration or the passage of time. However, while some people suffered through the period of reclusion, others had no problem with it, building a kind of bubble that they are now reluctant to leave – out of fear of Covid-19, of course, but not only. Bruno Latour propose donc 6 questions à se poser pour ne pas revenir à la même situation qu’avant le confinement. Erkundungen eines Liebhabers der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1996, S. 9. The phenomenon was described in Japan in the late 1980s, and the term was soon adopted by psychiatrists and physicians around the world who identified sufferers among their young patients. The situation is tragically reversed in ecological change: this time, the pathogen whose terrible virulence has changed the living conditions of all the inhabitants of the planet is not the virus at all, it is humanity! But I see more parallels in the response to these crises than Latour does. The unforeseen coincidence between a general confinement and the period of Lent is still quite welcome for those who have been asked, out of solidarity, to do nothing and to remain at a distance from the battle front. There is also a lot of fear brought up with that questioning as well, since the intricate supply chains of the status quo, for all its faults, is what we are all familiar with. Oxford: Blackwell. It is as though … In any case, it is likely that if hikikomori got bored more often, they might emerge sooner from their seclusion…. Bruno Latour wurde 1947 in Beaune, Burgund geboren. He is especially known for his work in the field of science and technology studies (STS). . Gastprofessor an der University of California San Diego, der London School of Economics und am historischen Seminar der Harvard University. [1] This is exactly what we see resurrected today – with the only difference that it is replicated from one nation to the next, to the point of having become world-wide. Create New Account. Log In. Facebook. Beyond Japan, modern-day society sets extremely high standards, both professional and personal, at a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult to get a job and find one’s place in life – not to mention the norms that the pressure of social networks forces on young people today – ‘be like this, act like that’… Those who did fine during the confinement find themselves in a similar situation: they felt as though the burden of social ties, whether professional (as we know, work is an ever-greater source of stress) or with family and friends, was lifted. In fact, many of them reverse the usual day-night routine. The present state would be completely incapable of dictating measures from above. Their classmates have found jobs or moved in with someone, whereas they have nothing to show for all that time. How can we re-think (and re-do) the relationship between the human and the not-human, nature and not-nature, the spiritual and the worldly, between you and me? Latour, Bruno 1999 'On recalling ANT' in Actor Network Theory and after. How might we assemble the bits and pieces of a way of life with staying power? Natacha Vellut, a psychosociologist at the CERMES3 laboratory and co-author of a book on the subject, offers her analysis. Note: to reply or comment to a post, please click on the title of the post and scroll to the bottom . C’est aussi l’occasion de valider que notre approche de rétro-confinement est bien congruente avec l’intention du philosophe. This is a place to talk and think together about how we can see ourselves and the world differently. Published on the website for  Critical Inquiry. Barbara Kiolbassa convened Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel to explain to the public what is the "terrestrial" as part of the lectures of the... Posted: June 28, 2020 English translation by Timothy Howles of the AOC piece on "economisation" In addition, certain hikikomori suddenly realise that life has gone on without them. What allows the two crises to occur in succession is the sudden and painful realization that the classical definition of society – humans among themselves – makes no sense. Latour, B. Japanese society continued to impose obligations, but without making room for its youth. Latour 2008). Rainer Ruffings Einführung in das Werk Bruno Latours (Bruno Latour, UTB Profile) habe ich auf dem Weg von München nach Graz im Zug gelesen.Zwischendurch erhielt ich von meinem HTC Desire die Meldung, es habe über 130 übereinstimmende Kontakte gefunden: Personen, die sowohl in meinem Google Adressbuch wie bei meinen Facebook-Freunden oder Twitter-Followern auftauchen. Alongside Sorokina’s curatorial essay, it includes “Where to land after the pandemic?” by Bruno Latour, which was the most discussed text in France during the 1st confinement. – that claim is exposed as false by the catastrophe, thereby threatening their mandate for existing Does digital technology, by allowing us to keep in touch with the world while staying at home, contribute to such withdrawal? De 1982 à 2006, il a notamment été professeur au Centre de sociologie de l'innovation, professeur invité à la LSE et au département d'Histoire des sciences d'Harvard. Latour ist einer der Begründer der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie. Think about it. One need only look at President Macron’s enthusiasm to take on the figure of head of state that he has so pathetically lacked until now. Bruno Latour ZK . Von 1982 bis 2006 war er Professor am Centre de l'Innovation an der Ecole nationale superieure de mine in Paris. In France, an increasing number of families and youngsters are realising that they fit this definition, even though the condition itself is not considered a distinct medical category outside of Japan, and there are no statistics available. Latour argumentiert, dass die komplexe und mehrdeutige Gaia-Hypothese, wie sie von James Lovelock entwickelt wurde, ein idealer Weg ist, um die ethischen, politischen, theologischen und wissenschaftlichen Aspekte des nunmehr veralteten Begriffs der Natur zu entwirren. However, while some people suffered through the period of reclusion, others had no problem with it, building a kind of bubble that they are now reluctant to leave – out of fear of Covid-19, of course, but not only. Forgot account? : Der Berliner Schlüssel. Having said that, it is not clear to me that the parallel goes much further. At a time when fear dominates people's souls, poetry is the medicine to move toward, to look the others at the eyes, to listen to them, to travel with them in what life, nature, and beauty of the human soul define. . or. [1] Alain Desrosières, The Politics of Large Numbers: A History of Statistical Reasoning,  trans. [The post was originally published in French with La Monde]. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The originality of the present situation, it seems to me, is that by remaining trapped at home while outside there is only the extension of police powers and the din of ambulances, we are collectively playing a caricatured form of the figure of biopolitics that seems to have come straight out of a Michel Foucault lecture. The response to coronavirus being like a hugely accelerated version of the response to climate change. The emotions are too strong, they begin having dizzy spells… Bruno Latour bestimmt die Gegenwart als Ort einer neuen geo-sozialen Frage und spricht in Berlin über sein terrestrisches Manifest. All such interactions, whether with teachers, co-workers or even friends, require an effort that they are no longer capable of making. The respective gain, dip in light-duty vehicle travel miles, fuel-economy in America and what’s driving the change, Studies into bilingual cognition could help improve language learning, Carrot cement: How root vegetables and ash could make concrete more sustainable, An all-hands-on-deck approach to achieving clean, healthy air, Income, race are associated with disparities in access to green spaces, One-Time Treatment Generates New Neurons, Eliminates Parkinson’s Disease in Mice. The pandemic is no more a “natural” phenomenon than the famines of the past or the current climate crisis. Hannah Bethke 08.05.2018, 11:14 Uhr Niedergang der SPD : Bruno Latour (/ l ə ˈ t ʊər /; French: ; born 22 June 1947) is a French philosopher, anthropologist and sociologist. In the health crisis, the administration has the very classic educational role and its authority coincides perfectly with the old national borders – the archaism of the sudden return to European borders is painful proof of this. . . The world is divided, as Bruno Latour puts it, not only in relation to environmental politics but also, and even more sharply, in relation to sexual and reproductive politics. by Patras World Poetry Festival. An anthropology of the moderns“ (kurz AIME). Some go through an episode of depression, while others develop anxieties about space, which now seems too vast, too noisy. Imagine that President Macron came to announce, in a Churchillian tone, a package of measures to leave gas and oil reserves in the ground, to stop the marketing of pesticides, to abolish deep ploughing, and, with supreme audacity, to ban outdoor heaters on bar terraces. Professor Spyros Papapetros discusses the artistic fascination with liquid crystals and their role in the animation of the inorganic. N. V.: It’s essentially a psychosocial situation. Wo andere Theoretiker zuvor die Organisationsstruktur des Labors und die „normative Struktur wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens“ (Schmidgen 2011: 47) genauer betrachten, leistet Latour einen anderen Beitrag. See more of Philosophy Matters on Facebook. It is not only the military that is always one war behind. In a sense, as Bruno Latour aptly points out in his book Down to Earth, the ‘Zone to Defend ‘(ZAD) movement, as in Notre-Dame-des-Landes (western France), is also a way of reacting to this insecurity, of pulling back from the modern world, while in this case trying to create a different one. It emerged in Japan during the severe economic crisis that followed the bursting of the country’s financial bubble. But this caricature is precisely the caricature of a time that is no longer ours. The word ‘hikikomori’ literally means “to withdraw” or ‘to lock oneself up’. However, while some people suffered through the period of reclusion, others had no problem with it, building a kind of bubble that they are now reluctant to leave – out of fear of Covid-19, of course, but not only. Camille Naish (Cambridge, Mass., 2002). They were in a cocoon, protected from the world, where they felt comfortable. Sign Up. Latour, B. 2013 veröffentlichte Bruno Latour sein neuestes Buch „An inquiry into modes of existence. This obligatory fast, this secular and republican Ramadan can be a good opportunity for them to reflect on what is important and what is derisory. It is in this sense that the “general mobilization” against the virus does not prove in any way that we will be ready for the next one. Bruno Latour, seinerzeit weder Soziologe noch Anthropologe, leistete neben anderen Theoretikern einen besonderen Beitrag zu diesen neuen Science Studies, auch Laborstudien genannt. (2013) ‘Another Turn after ANT: An Interview with Bruno Latour’, Social Studies of Science, 43(2): 302-313. But this does not apply to all humans, just those who make war on us without declaring war on us. In the case of ecological change, the relationship is reversed: it is the administration that must learn from a multiform people, on multiple scales, what will be the territories upon which people are trying to survive in many new ways as they seek to escape from globalized production. The unforeseen coincidence between a general confinement and the period of Lent is still quite welcome for those who have been asked, out of solidarity, to do nothing and to remain at a distance from the battle front. But finally, you never know; a time of Lent, whether secular or republican, can lead to spectacular conversions. So interessant wie schludrig findet Rezensent Christoph Möllers die Feldstudien, die der französische Wirtschaftstheoretiker Bruno Latour … The confinement was imposed on us, so there was no intentional withdrawal from the world. See more of Philosophy Matters on Facebook.

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